Welcome to Chinese Herbal Medicines -- the best guide to Chinese herbal remedies, popular herbal supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and other alternative medicines on the net. This website aims to be an objective source of unbiased, free information. We don't try to sell your anything -- we only try provide the most comprehensive information about herbs and their various uses to treat sicknesses and maladies.
Why use folk herbal remedies in a world that advocates the use of clinically proven medicine? Because herbal remedies have been used to effectively cure diseases and common ailments for thousands of years. Indeed, the ancient Greeks and Chinese actively sought out these gifts of nature, using all manner of herbs to heal sickness and boost health.
But herbal treatments that work are not just hearsay and myth. Modern man is finding that these age-old herbal remedies are actually still effective today. More and more scientific studies are showing herbs to be effective against a slew of diseases and health problems. Herbal remedies work.
Human beings are fundamentally part of nature -- we often forget that in the high tech world that surrounds us. Mankind is ever trying to invent something new and seeking new horizons of medical knowledge, failing to look in our own back yard -- nature. Nature provides all the materials we need to survive. This also includes our health.
Medicine, of course, is still valuable and an effective means to treat illnesses and cure diseases. But is official medicine and the constant usage of pharmaceutical drugs the best way to treat illnesses? Many people think not. Ancient folk herbal remedies have been with us for thousands of years for a reason. These folk remedies have been passed down generation to generation and originate from a time before medicine existed; the only doctor available was nature. Herbal treatments, not medicine, were used to effectively treat an assortment of common ailments.
Modern man has increasingly turned to official medicine to treat health problems -- problems that already have effective, natural health treatments. While medicine has proven itself time and time again to be effective against all manner of sickness -- it's not the only solution available today. There are many alternative medicines and treatments out there that actually do work.
Modern man's reliance on medicine has caused more and more problems; the lower and lower effectiveness of antibiotics, the rise of superbugs immune to all medicine, the general weakening of the human immune systems. Modern medical knowledge has brought great benefits to mankind, but it's also introduced a lot of problems as well.
Fortunately there is a solution: the use of natural Chinese herbs to treat sickness and health problems. Modern medicine now benefits from employing traditional folk methods of treatments in many cases.
So what is this folk medicine? Contrary to what some people claim, folk medicine (or Phytotherapy) has a long history of effectiveness. The great Greek philosopher and doctor, Hippocrates (known as the father of medicine) employed an arsenal of more than 250 herbs and natural supplements to treat diseases. This knowledge of herbs was not just limited to the great and learned philosophers. These herbs and herbal remedies were commonly used by ordinary people who used the curative and restorative properties of herbs to improve heath and restore balance to the body, thus living longer and healthier lives.
Indeed, thousands of years ago, no country was without knowledge of herbs and herbal supplements; herbs were greatly valued and used for medicinal purposes during everyday life. Practically every culture engaged in the use of herbal medicines, from the ancient Greeks and Romans to Indians and Chinese -- no major culture was without knowledge of herbs. Indeed, herbal medicines and herbal therapies were the cornerstone of ancient medical knowledge and in fact, lead to the development of modern medicine!
The Chinese were especially ambitions in their discovery and daily application of herbal knowledge to everyday health problems. Chinese herbs are now used around the world to treat most diseases and health problems; if there's a disease, there's a Chinese herb to treat that disease. This is why we identify "herbs" in general as "Chinese herbs" because most herbal knowledge comes from the Chinese.
Phytotherapy is gaining more and more popularity as it offers alternative medicine treatments to diseases. Modern medicine is effective, but often, alternative medicine can be just as effective for treating health problems. Many people are not satisfied with artificial medicines; indeed as much as 10% of people who are treated with modern medicines suffer negative effective such as allergic reactions; even more people do not respond to medical treatments. However, there is very little risk of adverse affects when Chinese herbs and Phytotherapy treatments are used. On the other hand, a significant percentage of the population does not respond well -- or at all -- to pharmaceutical drugs.
Many times, people cannot find an effective treatment to health problems though traditional medical channel. This is especially true with conditions such as cancer and other chronic diseases. However, there are ways to cure cancers, and other "impossible" medical conditions through the use herbal remedies and traditional Chinese medicine.
For those looking for just a general way to boost health, Chinese herbs offer a great means to achieve this. You can use herbs to transform your inner health. Herbal supplements can greatly boost the immune system, reduce stress, increase blood circulation, relax the body, and even cure impotence, cancer, aids, and other health serious problems.
Herbs can also be used to treat external conditions such as to cure skin diseases, get rid of acne, eliminate blackheads, and a whole slew of other skin condition treatments.
Some people are under the impression that Chinese herbal remedies and supplants are not proven to work. However, many qualified and renowned scientists have preformed clinical study after clinical study with the same results: Chinese herbal remedies have powerful properties that help heal the body and improve health.
If you are suffering from an incurable disease, traditional medicine will not offer a hope. However, you should absolutely look into the world of alternative herbal medicines -- many people have experienced astounding and surprising results. So do give up -- give herbal treatments a try.
There are many Chinese herbs and other popular herbal supplements out there -- so many that it can be confusing for those looking for the right herbs to treat maladies. Fortunately, Chinese-Herbs.ca is here to help you find objective information about the best herbal remedies and treatments.
Chinese Herbs is the number one source for information about herbal supplements and herbal treatments on the web.
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