The bad news is that these nits are easy to take on and easy to spread.
The good news is that they only live for around 30 days, and only 2 days if they are away from the host lice.
More good news, they are fairly easy to prevent and herbal remedies for lice can help get rid of them safely, with little expense.
Head lice spread through direct contact of the head or hair with infested materials or persons.
In particular, sharing common personal items such as towels, pillows, hats, hair ties, brushes, and helmets easily spreads hair lice.
To prevent lice from coming back, bedding and towels should be washed in hot to warm water and detergent. Put clothes in the dryer for at least 30 minutes. Lice cannot live away from host for more than a couple of days so placing pillows and toys in secured plastic bags for a 48 hour time period should do the trick.
* Neem is an extremely important Ayurvedic herb that offers protection against many pests. It contains pesticidal properties. It’s also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory which is especially for infestations. Research has confirmed its traditional use. Any hair products which contain neem should be helpful if you suffer from lice.
* Turmeric has traditionally been used by Asians to kill bugs and vermin. Master herbalist, Dr. James Duke reports that researchers used a neem-turmeric paste by pulverizing fresh neem leaves and turmeric root (4:1) into a paste. Participants rubbed paste all over their body and let dry. They repeated treatment until they were rid of lice. Researchers reported almost 100% success.
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