Traditional Medicinal Plants Fruit of Makasar
Until now, the modern medical world is still faced with the difficult treatment of cancer. This difficulty is not yet discovered the mouth of his medication is effective enough to cure this disease. How does the existence of traditional medicinal plants in the treatment of cancer? Traditionally the people of the world have long used plant drugs in the treatment of various diseases including cancer. In Ethiopia macassar fruit is known as one cancer drug. In Indonesia, this plant was given nama'buah macassar ', but that does not mean it came from Makassar, South Sulawesi.
fruit makasar plants traditional medicine is derived from one of the countries in the arid African continent is Ethiopia. Spread fruit macassar until now reached the teak forests in Java, while in Sumatra, Ambon, and Sulawesi can be found as hedgerows. In eastern Java, is widely grown tanamn under teak forest in the area Bojonegoro. Traditional medicinal plants are classified as shrubs, with an average height of plants from 1 to 2.5 m. leaves are compound leaves are usually odd numbered pages 5-13. Inter-leaf sheets are generally facing each other. Lanceolate leaf shape display with a tapered tip. Bunches of fruit crops is emerging from axillary leaves. The fruit is about the size of pepper fruit will be bumpy in the bunch. When fully ripe, purplish black fruit, and is still raw, green. Fruit such as egg shape, and rough if it is dried. In addition to fruit, leaves and roots, and bark of this plant can be used in treatment. Macassar fruit seeds that have been dried in the international market known as bruceae Fructus. In China the fruit of this plant is called a yes or zi, while on english java brucea fruit. Traditional medicinal plants is not only famous in foreign countries, but some areas in Indonesia are also many know this herb. Population of Sumatran island gave him the name of all sorts, namely whey-curd, tambar sipago, tambar sipogu, tambar jail, malur, sikalur, and battered. People call this sunda kendung peucang, ki padesa, kuwalot, trawalot, and walot. While people call this macassar tambara Marica. Similarly, the Ambon, they named it nagas. Not only foreign ataupunnama local name of this plant are diverse, but the scientific name too. People are more familiar with this plant the botanical name of brucea javanica (L.) Merr.
Traditional Medicinal Plants Fruit macassar a synonym brucea amarissima desv., Brucea gracilis DC., Brucea sumatrana Roxb., Gonus amarissima Lour., Lussa amarissima o.ktze,., Rhus javanica L.As a cancer drug macassar fruit has long been used in treatment. simaroubaceae family plant fruit is used as a cure dysentery, abdominal pain, ulceration, and reduce heat. In the plan and the country of origin, the fruit of traditional medicinal plants are used as a cure for compounds from some plants as anticancer drugs, including bruseantin in macassar fruit. This traditional medicinal plants also contain oleic acid, brusein, yatanoside A and B are efficacious anticancer. These compounds can inhibit cancer cell DNA synthesis of various types of cancer cells. These active compounds also enhance macrophage phagocytosis (killing abnormal cells), and formed blood cells in bone marrow.
Some research shows that the active compounds in fruit macassar can inhibit liver cancer, cervical cancer, and blood cancer. Traditional medicinal plants macassar Fruit can also be used for the treatment of malignant tumors in the throat, vocal cords, ear canal, outer, and gum cancer. Lung cancer, stomach, rectum, and skin can also be treated with this plant. Fruit, bark, and leaves contain saponin brucea javanica. Besides, fruit and leaves also contain tannins and the flowers contain polyphenols. In addition to these active compounds, macassar fruit also contains alkaloids, glycosides, and phenols. The seeds also contain brusatol. In the fruit oil contained fat, oleic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid, and acid palmitoleat, while the leaves contained tannin. Overseas, fruit macassar been made in the form of capsules, liquid medicines, and drug injection. There, of medicines from this plant are used in cancer treatment. In cervical cancer (cervical) and breast cancer, the drug is usually injected around the cancer.Fruit macassar also dilenal as anticacing and antidiarrheal. The fruit of this plant can kill the worms Ascaridia galli (roundworm). When compared with the regular use of de-worming is recommended doctors piperasin citrate, the results were no different than using macassar fruit.
This nutritious plant bark as a medicine to reduce fever and diarrhea. This traditional medicinal plants taste bitter, cold nature, and enter the large intestine meridian. macassar fruit efficacy can clean toxins, stop bleeding. dysentery, leucorrhoea, and malaria can also be treated with this plant.Fruit macassar may not be used excessively, because these plants contain the active substance kosamine glycosides. This compound stimulates the digestive tract and cause symptoms of poisoning. Fruit macassar be efficacious as a laxative, prevent blood clotting, and expedite the flow of bile into the digestive tract when used in small doses.Conversely, if used in large doses can cause poisoning. Plant poisoning is characterized by a slow breathing, leg paralysis, vomiting, diarrhea, and coma, can even cause death. Liver and kidneys can also be affected if used in large doses. Fruits are also not allowed to be consumed macassar olehpenderita gastritis (gastritis), patients with gastrointestinal bleeding, liver, and severe kidney disease. This plant so great to be able to cancer drugs
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