Benefits of Bergamot Oil
herbalist , healthy , environment
Bergamot or citrus bergamia has a light aroma and is subtle and refreshing. If you want to know the beneficial powers of bergamot herb and its healing properties, then keep on reading some interesting information here. Bergamot oil is a natural analgesic, an antiseptic, an antidepressant, a digestive, an antispasmodic, a deodorant, an expectorant, an antipyretic, a sedative, and a vermifuge.
Bergamot oil is scientifically known as cytrus bergamia and is one of the most enjoyable and energizing oils used in aromatherapy. Bergamot oil can be used on a daily basis on your hairs to start the day because of its antidepressant qualities. Bergamot tree belongs to the Rutaceae family of trees and is about 5 meters in height with long green leaves and white flowers. The fruit looks like an orange but when looking closely resembles to the shape of a pear. The aroma of bergamot fruit is floral and fruity with a spicy note.
History and Symbolism of Bergamot Oil
This precious essential oil used in aromatherapy is not a new discovery but it has taken its name from the famous city Bergamo in Italy, where this oil was sold initially. But the legends say that Columbus found bergamot in Canary Islands and introduced it in Italy and Spain. Bergamot has proven its use since 1725 in Florence where it was appreciated as an important medicine. Bergamot oil is also used widely in perfume industry. Bergamot is one of the main ingredients in classic cologne. Bergamot oil is also used to flavor Earl Grey tea.
Origin and Distribution of Bergamot Oil
Bergamot oil is native of southern Italy. This oil usually comes from Morocco and Italy. The bergamot is the most sensitive tree of all citrus trees and requires a special climate and terrain to grow.
Extraction of Bergamot Oil
Bergamot essential oil is extracted from the skin or peel of bergamot fruit and it is interesting to note that it takes 1000 bergamot peels to extract only 1 litre of essential bergamot oil.
Benefits of Bergamot Oil
Bergamot oil produces a refreshing environment and astringent atmosphere which reduces depression and anxiety. It’s refreshing and uplifting qualities balance emotions. In aromatherapy, bergamot oil is also used in states of convalescence and to help regulate eating disorders like anorexia. Bergamot oil combined with lavender oil helps in fighting insomnia. Bergamot essential oil strengthens the immune system. It’s strong antiviral agent is very effective against herpes simplex. Bergamot oil is helpful in reducing fever and also it fights bad breath. Bergamot oil is very effective in treatment of respiratory infections such as bronchitis, tonsillitis, and tuberculosis or TB.
It is a very useful antiseptic for the urinary tract. Only a few drops of bergamot essential oil added in bath tub or seat is beneficial to treat urinary problems such as cystitis or inflammation of urinary bladder. Bergamot oil also works wonders on the digestive tract and relieves nausea, indigestion, dyspepsia, cramps, and flatulence. Bergamot oil is also a powerful insect repellent.
Bergamot Oil for Skin Care
Bergamot oil is a powerful antiseptic for the skin. It stimulates, regenerates, and heals the skin. Essential oil of bergamot is used to treat psoriasis, acnes, ulcers, lacerations, and wounds. This oil is also recommended in cases of skin or scalp fat, provided it is used in a well-diluted mixture of 1% or less in creams or shampoos on a daily basis.
Essential Oil Blends With Bergamot Oil
Bergamot oil mixes well with essential flower oils such lavender oil, jasmine oil, and geranium oil. Also it is interesting to note that a blend of bergamot, geranium, and lavender is excellent for toning the skin and also to be used as a perfume. Bergamot oil when mixed with mint favors produces an aromatic effect....READ MORE
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