Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Risk factors of breast cancer on women

Risk factors of breast cancer on women
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It is estimated that the number of breast cases in India will increase by 3 percent per annum up to 2015. One among every 22 Indian women is likely to develop breast cancer during her lifetime. In this scenario, it is important to understand the reasons for the occurrence of this deadly disease.

Breast cancer is the second most prevalent cancer in the world. In India, it is said to be the fastest growing cancers; in fact, it is said to be the number 1 cancer affecting Indians.
Breast cancer is the uncontrolled growth of breast cells in the bodies of men and women. It is caused by genetic mutations.

All types of breast cancers result from genetic abnormalities. But a small percentage of breast cancer cases are due to inherited genetic factors also. In most of these cases, the occurrence of the disease is due to abnormalities in two genes – BRCA1 and BRCA2 – that may be inherited from either parent.

Inherited genetic mutations apart, it must be noted that breast cancer also occurs due to genetic abnormalities. There are certain risk factors that lead to genetic abnormalities — examples of these factors include age, family history, race and ethnicity, density of breast tissue, and lifestyle habits such as smoking, obesity, and so on. In India, the rise in incidence of this disease is thought to be linked to lifestyle changes.
Signs and symptoms: Typical signs and symptoms are lumps in armpits, breast or collarbone, or change in the size, shape and appearance of skin on the breast.

Periodic testing by women who are above 35 years of age, or women who have one or more associated risk factors, is advised by doctors as a means to screen breast cancer.

Breast cancer can be treated through radiotherapy or hormonal therapy. Surgical removal of breasts together with adjuvant hormonal therapy or radiotherapy or both is said to work best.

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George Mat is a feature writer on health and wellness at a portal on health and wellness offering news and feature articles on health, blogs and QnAs by health experts, and health networking for Indians. For more information on breast cancer, go to bolohealth’s Conditions Center bolohealth’s conditions center...READ MORE


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