Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Bogor Agricultural University, Faculty of Forestry college develops scientific study of "herbal forest".

Bogor Agricultural University, Faculty of Forestry college develops scientific study of "herbal forest".
herbalist , healthy , environment polution ,alternatif,

Bogor Agricultural University Rector Prof. Suhardiyanto Herry asks the Faculty of Forestry at the college develops the scientific study of "herbal forest".

Head of Public Relations IPB Ir Windarti Henny, M. Si in the explanation by electronic mail in Bogor on Sunday to explain, hope the chancellor delivered when inaugurating a number of new officials in the scope of IPB, this week.

Hope rector of the Faculty of Forestry (Fahutan) for mengembangka scholarly "herb forest" (forest plants that can be used for health-red), he said, considering biodiversity and forest resources are huge in Indonesia.

Rector also asked the Faculty of Agriculture may continue to develop science with a focus on organic farming (organic farming).

To two representatives appointed dean, the Vice Dean Dr. Ir Naresworo Fahutan Nugroho, MSI and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Ir Dadang, MSc, he said, the chancellor specifically asked the second officer to always help the dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Agriculture in developing become an institution of higher education faculty of agriculture-based international research.

In addition, the rector of the department also must also be able to spearhead the effort to increase international publications in terms of both quantity and quality.

Therefore, the two head of the newly formed Center for the Study is expected to always try to be a center of excellence or "center of excellence".

Henny Windarti added, a number of new officials who have sworn that IPB is Prof. Dada, MSc as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Naresworo Nugroho, as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Prof. Nurheni Wijayanto as Chairman of the Department of Silviculture Faculty of Forestry, and Ir Dwi Holy Margi as Secretary Department of Nutrition Science and Technology Faculty of Animal Feed

Later, Dr. Ir Faithful Hadi, MS as Chief of the Assessment Center for Planning and Regional Development (P4W) LPPM, Dr. Ir Sumarti Point, MS as Chief of Gender and Child Study Center, Ir Iukman Muhammad Baga as Head of Business Studies and Economics Sharia ( PSBES) LPPM, Ir Margaharta Iskandar, MSc as Secretary of the Centre for Gender and Children.

Furthermore, Dr. Ir Irfan Syauqi Beik, SP as Secretary of the Center for Business and Economics Sharia LPPM, and Ferry Dwandayana, A. Ma, as Section Head of Financial Management Information Service.


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