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Thursday, 30 December 2010
Sunday, 12 December 2010
How To Stop Premature Ejaculation For Good
How long should a man last before he is considered a "premature ejaculator"?
Premature ejaculation usually occurs if you regularly climax within one minute of intercourse. In fact, some men are known to ejaculate as soon as penetration occurs, either during the initial inward thrust, first outward stroke or during the next couple of strokes. If ejaculation occurs several minutes later, it is not PE. Rather it is an unplanned or untimely event.
Ideally a man should last as long as it takes for his female partner to come to an orgasm. This can typically be anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes for the average woman. This is also the reason why the vast majority of women are unsatisfied during sex - their men simply could not hold up long enough!
Organic Sex Pills for Erections As Hard As Steel
This seems to be the latest health mantra these days.
With more and more people becoming aware of the dangers and perils of pharmacy drugs, an ever increasing number of people are now opting for natural and organic resources to help them get over various health problems and disorders and it is no different when it comes to curing sexual problems in men.
Organic sex pills have become a big hit with trying to cope with erectile dysfunction, low libido, reduced semen production and premature ejaculation.
Certain herbs have been used since ages to boost sexual function in men. Chinese and Indian medicine systems are based upon such herbs and botanical extracts that tend to cure the problem by getting to the root cause of such problems.
One of the most important advantages of such herbs and other organic ingredients is that they do not have any side effects.
Best Herbal Sex Pill
There is no one miracle herb just as there is no one miracle food, you need a combination of herbs which will cover all the problems. There are several problems which cause low libido, so let's look at the problems and the herbs in Zenerx which cure them.
1. Poor Blood Circulation
Strong blood circulation to the sex organs is vital to libido and you must pump enough blood to this area on arousal and Zenerx contains the best blood circulation herbs such Ginkgo Biloba, Cistanche Bark, Ginseng and Niacin, to get the blood flowing quickly to the pelvic region and keep the blood vessels healthy at the same time.
Saturday, 11 December 2010
new Traditional medicine advocate wins award
Description:Galangal (Lenguas galanga or Alpinia galanga) is often used by women known as the flavoring dishes. Galangal herb plants including tall vertical stalks reach 2 to 2.5 meters. Galangal can live in the lowlands to highlands, approximately 1,200 meters above sea level. There are 2 kinds of plants known as galangal rhizome of varieties with tubers (roots), white and red bulbs vaaritas berimpang. Galangal berimpang white bulb is used flavoring dishes, is galangal berimpang red bulbs are used as medicine. Galangal has a trunk that consists of array-midrib leaf midrib. Leaves elliptical, and the leaves contained in the lower part of midrib, midrib only, while the top of the stem consists of midrib-complete with strands of leaf midrib. The flowers appear at the end of the plant. Galangal rhizome tuber than coarse grained also has a distinctive aroma. Terms Grows a. Climate 1. Elevation: 1-1200 m above sea level 2. Annual rainfall: 2500 - 4000 mm / year 3. Wet months (above 100 mm / month): 7-9 months 4. Dry months (below 60 mm / month): 3-5 months 5. Temperatures: 29 'C - 25' C. 6. Humidity: medium 7. Irradiation: High b. Soil 1. Type: latosol red-brown, andosol, alluvial. 2. Texture: berliat clay, sandy clay, red clay, lateristik. 3. Drainage: well 4. The depth of ground water: 50 - 100 cm from ground level 5. Rooting depth: 10 - 30 cm from ground level 6. Fertility: medium - high
Local Name:Greater galingale (UK), galangal (Indonesia); Laos (Java), Laja (Sunda);
Curable Disease:Rheumatism, spleen pain, sexual passion, appetite, bronchitis; morbili, Panu;
(Rauvolfia serpentina [L.] ex Bentham. Ku)
Synonyms:= Ophioxylon obversum, Mq.= 0. serpentinwn, Linn.= O. trifoliatum, Gaertn.= Hunteria sundana, Mq.
Medicinal Plants Pule Pandak sometimes found in the yard as an ornamental plant, but more often grows wild in fields, forests of teak, or other places up to an altitude of 1,000 m above sea level. Upright shrubs, annual, reaching 1 m tall, sticky, cylindrical stem, branching gray-brown color, remove the clear liquid when broken. Leaves single, short-stemmed, sitting relaxing or face crossbones, spurs or oval shape elongated, pointed tip, base narrow, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, length 30-20 Ern, width 2-9 cm, upper surface green, lower surface color younger. Inflorescence compound, which forms the umbrella out of the end of the shaft, crown flower color is red. The fruit of stone fruit, round egg, young black color is green when ripe, seeded one. Long and large roots. Dry root called Rauwolfia serpentina.
Local Name:Pulai Pandak (Java). root rat (Sumatra).; Yin tu luo fu mu (Chinese). Serpent wood, serpentine (UK).; Chandrika chhota Chand, sarpaganh (India, Pakistan).;
Purwoceng is one of traditional medicinal plants, known as a drug efficacious mighty men. Therefore, Purwoceng also got the title 'Java Viagra'. Why so?
Purwoceng actually classified as rare plants, but now can be saved by using the method of cultivation in vitro culture. Problems Purwoceng cultivation was once described Ireng Darwati, S3 student study programs Agronomy, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) is currently defending his dissertation titled "Culture and Culture Roots Callus hair Purwoceng to Produce Secondary Metabolites and Plant Development Purwoceng Hope for the Future," on Campus Darmaga IPB, Bogor (Voice of Reform, 23.02.2007).
Latin name is Pimpinella pruacan purwoceng initially, but later revised to Pimpinella alpina. This plant is found in the Alps in Switzerland, at an altitude of 2000-3000 meters above sea level. About the growing place Purwoceng in Indonesia was previously known to grow wild in Dieng area at an altitude of 2000-3000 m above sea level. But according to the Agency for Forestry Research and Development (1987), the distribution of plants in Indonesia purwoceng now includes Central Java, East Java and West Java.
Wahyuni et al. (1997) states that purwoceng can grow outside of its habitat, such as in West Java, Gunung Putri and capable of producing seed material for conservation. Potential crop purwoceng big enough, but still constrained by the scarcity of seed supply and limited land suitable for these plants (Yuhono 2004). Besides in Dieng, Purwoceng also grows in the mountains Iyang, East Java (known as suripandak brother). At Mount Tengger named gebangan depok. Despite the title Latin names change, the researchers have the same conclusion that Purwoceng including medicinal plants.
What are the Benefits Purwoceng?Eni Hayani and May Sukmasari never explained, the whole plant purwoceng can be used as traditional medicine, especially the roots. Roots have diuretic properties and is used as aprosidiak (National Research and Development of Forestry 1987), namely the efficacy of a drug that can enhance or increase stamina. In general, plants or plants that efficacious as aprosidiak contain saponin derivative compounds, alkaloids, tannins, and other compounds are efficacious as the reinforcement of the body and improving blood circulation. In Indonesia, plant or medicinal plants used as aprosidiak more just based on the beliefs and experiences (Hernani and Yuliani 1991).
HERBALS FOR Chiropractic and Swine Flu
We all know that when you are sick, your immune system is the part of your body that fights off viruses and nasties with all its might. Therefore it would make sense to make sure your immune system is functioning optimally while swine flu is making its rounds (in fact, it should be optimal at all times but that's for a different article). So can Chiropractic help your immune system function at its best?
Sure it can! Studies show that being adjusted once per week can increase your immune system function by up to 400%
One of the most important studies about Chiropractic and the immune system was performed by Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York's Preventive Medicine Institute and professor of medicine at New York University. It showed the positive effect that chiropractic has on the immune system for overall wellbeing and health.
On top of this we recommend several other self care tips below.
Friday, 10 December 2010
Healthy living with herbals eating habits
in today’s world of 2 minute instant noodles, there are lots of speculations about how to adopt the healthy eating habits to achieve those healthy families. A healthy eating plan is helpful to a great extent as it includes major calculations about the nutrients and ingredients that a human body needs.
One of the most important points of healthy living is never to skip breakfasts as they are the most significant part of a day’s meals and they are able to keep you going for the entire day. The other big thing to remember is not eating so many bigger meals. Instead, meals should be broken down into several smaller meals so that the body will be able to absorb the food in a better way. Many healthy families have reported that as a part of healthy lifestyles, they follow a regular time table for their meals and by having meals at the right time daily, they are able to keep themselves in perfect shapes.
When we talk about healthy food and healthy eating habits, the very first thing that comes to our mind includes fruits and vegetables. No doubt, they should be a mandatory part of a person’s diet without which, a proper nutritious diet is not possible at all. While looking for healthy eating foods, you should ensure that they are natural and organic as far as possible. You should try to avoid artificial and canned foods as far as possible and also make sure that you consume some cereals also for your breakfast. These are healthy foods to be eaten in the morning as they are able to provide enough energy to the person’s body. It is also better to eat green foods as much as possible as they are extremely rich in nutrients like calcium, fiber and vitamin C.
Impotence Herbs - Why a Herbal Erectile Dysfunction Remedy Works Better Than ED Pills
Natural health is becoming one of the most popular treatments in America, but do impotence herbs really work? Surprisingly, many herbs which have been used for centuries are showing positive results in different research studies.
And with so many people worried about the side effects (like permanent blindness and deafness) associated with E.D. pills like Viagra, Cialas and Levitra, it is no wonder why so many people are now allowing natural health to cure their impotence problem.
If you would like to avoid the side effects from prescription medication, here are 5 impotence herbs you may want to consider.
Herbal Natural Medicine - Improve Your Health Naturally
Natural herbs can be used to cure many health problems. Here are a few ways in which you too can improve your health and increase your energy level using only natural herbal remedies.
Many uses of natural herbs
People use herbs differently to improve their ways of life. For instance, you may find diet herbal supplement, as well as body creams and lotions with medicinal herbs.
Most commonly natural herbs are used to combat:
- high blood pressure
- acne
- arthritis
- difficulties with menopause
- hair loss
- anxiety
- depression
Medicinal natural herbs are mostly found in Asia. One reason is climate - warm and humid it promotes plants growth. It is also traditional way of living, using healing herbs as natural remedies. Recently the Western world has also caught on the usage of medicinal herbs, as being better than the use of traditional medicines. Most commonly use natural herbs are Aloe Vera, Tee Tree, chamomile, Rosemary, Sage and St John's wort.

Herbal medicine, herbal, or various natural drugs from plants has long been known to the people of Indonesia. Unfortunately, the concept of healthy with herbal devotees is now increasingly rare. According to the expert who is also a naturopathic physician, Dr. H. Amarelle dry Sidebar, Fabio, Doom, Domed, Mac, MA, PhD, people often use drugs paradigm to explain the functions and benefits of herbs.
"Many people mistaken about the treatment. Actually, what people want, be cured or treated? If only treat, then do not eradicate the roots of disease. So should have sought the source of the disease, so it can find a solution," said Amarullah in discussions about healthy with herbal held a modern herbal medicine producers.
High blood pressure or hypertension is closely linked to increased heart attacks and strokes. Causes of high blood pressure, among others, the hardening and blockage of arteries. Diseased blood vessels become narrow, so that the heart requires more pressure to pump blood to the blood vessels.
Some natural medicine that abortion can be reduced even treat high blood diseases, among others:
Thursday, 9 December 2010
HERBALS FOR Why Muscle is Necessary When Losing Weight
He said:
"I like the idea of being able to master my bodyweight, but wouldn't just losing weight (especially fat) and getting your bodyweight as low as possible be the easiest way to do this? Couldn't I do this with just cardio conditioning?"
You could lose a lot of weight by just adjusting diet and doing cardiovascular activity (be it of the Long Slow Distance, High Itensity Interval Training, Medium Fast Distance, or Density Conditioning variety. But you still wouldn't have any muscle.
I don't want to use the whole "sprinter vs. distance runner" story here, because it's been done a bunch of times already. But look at most long distance runners - most have little muscle tone, aren't strong, and are "skinny fat" (i.e. - their skinny and weigh little, but many still have guts).
Efficacy of Soursop (Annona muricata)
Soursop fruit called latin Annona muricata, also known by the name Sabrang jackfruit, jackfruit Londo, Jackfruit buris, and in Bali, Java is more recognizable as sugar apple, in addition to delicious, this fruit is also rich in drug content. Some diseases can be cured by soursop fruit, among others: hemorrhoid, bladder, diarrhea, and ulcers can be cured.
Efficacy and benefits for treatment:
Hemorrhoid. Soursop fruit is ripe. Squeeze to take water as much as 1 cup, drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
Urine Bladder Pain. Half-ripe fruit soursop, sugar and salt to taste. All the material is made compote cooked. Eaten plain, and performed regularly every day for 1 week in a row.
Infant Diarrhea. Soursop fruit is ripe. Soursop fruit is squeezed and filtered to take water, and drunk in infants suffering from diarrhea as much as 2-3 tablespoons.
HERBALS FOR Cholesterol Reduction-With Red Yeast Rice
Brief Reviews of Vegetarian Diets Health Effects
Brief Reviews of Vegetarian Diets Health Effects
Many people in the world today choose to become vegetarian for several reasons. For their religious view, health concern, or sometimes their care for animals. Being Vegetarian means not eating meat, poultry or fish. other vegan diets exclude dairy products and eggs. Vegetarian and vegan diets can vary widely. These are some reviews from journals about the health effects of vegan diets.
In general, vegetarian diets provide relatively large amounts of cereals, pulses, nuts, fruits and vegetables. In terms of nutrients, vegetarian diets are usually rich in n-6 fatty acids, dietary fibre, carotenoids, carbohydrates, , folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E and Mg, and relatively low in protein, saturated fat, long-chain n-3 fatty acids, retinol, vitamin B(12) and Zn; vegans may have particularly low intakes of vitamin B(12) and low intakes of Ca.
Cross-sectional studies have shown that on average they have a relatively low BMI and a low plasma cholesterol concentration; recent studies have also shown higher plasma homocysteine concentrations than in non-vegetarians. Very high homocysteine levels in the blood can damage the lining of the arteries. In addition, high homocysteine levels may make blood clot more easily than it should. This can increase the risk of blood vessel blockages. A clot inside your blood vessel is called a thrombus which can travel in the bloodsteam and get stuck in your lungs (called a pulmonary embolism), in your brain (which can cause a stroke) or in your heart (which can cause a heart attack.)
vegetarians have shown a moderate reduction in mortality from Ischemic Heart Disease but little difference in other major causes of death or all-cause mortality in comparison with health-conscious non-vegetarians from the same population.
vegetarian diets, particularly vegan diets, are associated with lower BMD, (bone mineral density) which is one of osteoporosis cause., but the magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant.
Studies of cancer have not shown clear differences in cancer rates between vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
There are some case reports related to vegan diets in
Boost Your Immune System!! Go Fasting!!!
Boost Your Immune System!! Go Fasting!!!
Fasting may Increase Immune System Processes by several ways:
1.Elevate Macrophage Activity
2.Increase Cell-Mediated Immunity by the form of Lymphocytes
3.Increase Immunoglobulin Levels
4..Increase Neutrophil Bactericidal Activity
5.Heighten Monocyte Killing and Bacterial Function
6.Enhance Natural Killer Cell Activity:
For people that perform fasting by religious reason, they may reduce the stress or depression level ;thus may increase the immune system too., it can be explained by the psycho-humoral-neuro-immunology paradigm. So, let's start to do fasting. Even for diabetic patients, you can consult your doctor first, for changing the diabetic treatment schedule.
HERBALS FOR ““Anti Cancer :Nasopharynk, Chorio-Epithelioma and Choriocar-Cinoma”
“Anti Cancer :Nasopharynk, Chorio-Epithelioma and Choriocar-Cinoma”
How To?
Malay Gooseberry
Papaya Leaf
Red Spinach Leaf
Read More..
Sunday, October 19, 2008
“Cancer Fighter”
The Materials:
1. Cuban Oregano.......50 grams
( Keladi Tikus named in Indonesia or Coleus Amboinicus Lour )
2. Honey ............... 1/2 Spoon
- Put in water for 1 / 2 hours
note: herb must be drunk immediately, not be stored...!!!
1.composit 1
You are possible a lot still look into sex activity only as one of form of accomplishment of requirement as of eye. Though out of it, sexual simply has having immeasurable benefit which can increase quality of life and health, either from the angle of physical and also psychological.
The experts tells there is many obtainable advantages from regular sex activity and correctness. All this benefit is not simply mere anecdot, but is research result that is supported scientific evidence.
Here and now many mans who trauma about sex. Why? Something trauma because experiencing sexual disfunction also there is caused by disease. Various means done to heal it. I only suggest some healthy ways to overcome difficulty of sex, inter alias:
1. Aware of benefit sex and enjoys it
2. Applies Well guaranted herb drug of its the security and safety.
3. Do healthy life style.
1. Assuages stress
Researcher from Scotland in research publicized by journal Biological Psychology to conclude, one of sexual main benefit for health is reducing blood pressure and assuages stress in general. This conclusion is result of watcher 22 mans and 24 women condition of in situation stress. Sexual activity they noted and result of his (its showing, they doing intimate relationship can overcome better stress compared to which is not making love. In researching into other ness publicized is the same journal mentions that routine sex activity related to pressure diastolic which low.
2. Improves body endurance
Life of good sex can indicate health of good physical also. Does sex once or twice within a week will increase antibody so-called Immunoglobine A or IgA, capable to protect you from flu and or infection.
3. Sex burns calorie
Research massage, sexual activity during 13 minutes can burn around 85 calories is more. Likely number of this is not many. By the way, if you did it is minimum 42 times in one year ( one month thrice) means has burned 3,570 calories, more than enough to reduce 0,5 body weight kg. If You are having sex average of one hours, one body weight kilos could probably be degraded with 21 times for having sex.
¨ Sex is modeling excitement from athletics,¨ comment Patti Britton, PhD, sexologist and President American Society of Sexuality Educators and Therapist.
4. Makes healthy heart and venous
Though there are myth worrying of that energy released when ngeseks can trigger stroke, but the British researchers say the assumption not correctness.
In research publicized by Journal Epidemiologycal and Community Health, the experts lays open that routine sex have no relation with stroke by 914 participants watched during 20 years.
Sexual benefit for heart also doesn't desist there. Researcher also lays open that having sex once or semiweekly can reduce on fatal heart attack risk until 50 % at man, compared to them doing sex less than once in a month.
5. Improves Self Confidence
Increases Self Confidence trust is one of 237 reason of people does sex. this research done by expert from Universitas Texas and publicized in Archives of Sexual Behavior.
6. Improve and repairs intimacy.
Doing sex and orgasm will increase oxytocyn hormone or also is called as love hormone. This hormone can assist couple to build and strengthens tying and trust one another.
Researcher from University of Pittsburgh and University North Carolina evaluates response 59 women premonopause. Participant is calculated [by] its(the hormone rate before and after relating to husband they terminated by embracing each other. Research shows, increasingly often the happening of touch, more and more oxytocin rate height.
¨ Oxytocin rate makes we to feel wish to love and ties,¨ said researcher.
7. Lessens ill taste
When oxytocin hormone in body increases, endorphin also will go up and pain taste will decrease. On that account, if headache taste, arthritis or symptom sindrome your premenstrual can alleviate after correlating sex, that is more because oxytocin hormone effect.
8. Prostate cancer risk compress
Australian Researcher have ever laid open that ejaculation regularly will reduce prostate cancer risk in old man. This research publicized in British Journal of Urology International.
9. Strengthens flank base muscle
To all woman, does flank base muscle practice when correlating is intimate is recognized as movement term Kegel. This movement will give enjoyment for both couples, besides also strengthens part of muscle and depress risk incontinensi in old man.
10. Improve and repairs quality of sleep
According to research, oxytocin discharged during orgasm also can stimulate sleepness. With sleep that is enough, health also would be better because permanent blood tension and body weight of kept
(from many sources…)
Now polypharmacy known as Viagra predominating strong drug market, though Viagra it'self still many questioned by the experts about its (the usefulness and side effects generated)
At next post, I will present a real useful Indonesian Natural Viagra ingredient and relative is more safely for the consumer. Be Awaiting My recipes in the next post.
History of Jamu
Indonesia is a rich in natural resources and one of its most important features has always been its abundance plant life. It is with this bounty that Indonesia has always been able to provide for the health and beauty care of its people.Our ancestors experimented with all types of leaves, flower, roots and tubers in order to discover what useful properties they hold. Various combination of different ingredients were found to restore health and prevent diseases whilst become known for their cosmetics uses.
The result of these efforts have been handed down through generations, with adaptations and additions being made when needed so that today, we are inheritors of age-old, reliable system of health and beauty care called JAMU.
Vision & Mission
We want to be the best online shop of Indonesian and Asian groceries. We may not be the largest, but our goal of being the best is being achieved. Our vision is to grow a company that specializes in traditional and natural business with emphasis on quality, technical assistance and service work.Our Royal Governors' goals are to provide our patrons with:
- A one-stop shop for an impressive range of exotic products
- Honesty and integrity
- Quality goods at affordable prices
- Never sacrifice quality for price
- Excellent customer servicing
Our mission is to deliver the highest value to our clients and professionally delivered with the breadth and depth of expertise harnessed by our employees.
Indonesian Herbs - Developed
Dr. Liza is named after the founder Dr Erliza Hambali, Teacher in Bogor Agriculture University the head of Surfactant & Bio Energy Research Center. After her visit to China and bought some herbs of which some of them are available in Indonesia... Dr Liza somehow inspired and has a dream to develop the Indonesian herbs. Inspired by herbs from China and her spirit to make her dream come true.. and to develop Indonesia to become a productive country so she collected arround 300 herbs from Indonesia and she motivate her students to develop Indonesian Herbs. To contribute to the local farmers she encourages her students to cooperate with local farmers who have planted the herbs and give assitances or trainings to make sure the farmers get the optimum production & quality.
The students now have graduated from IPB and Dr. Erliza has encouraged the sudents to form a company and be an enterpreneur. To appreciate Dr. Liza contribution they named the company PT. Liza Herbal International the idea is to promote Indonesian Herbs to the world (go international).
As we all know Indonesia has abundant resources but not many of them could penetrate International markets. Dr. Liza believes that Indonesian product such as herbs, etc if well developed & professional she is very optimistic that Indonesian Herbs can penetrate International market. She hopes if the products successful then the company can grow and recruit more employees, cooperate with more farmers, etc. It can develop multiplier effects and hope can contribute to the Indonesian economic development.
Current herbs products that has been produced and use by our customers are Food Suplements such as: Garlic Capsule, BeePollen, Bangle, Mahkota Dewa, Sambiloto, Kumis Kucing, etc and Green Tea such as: Centella Green Tea, etc.
Dr. Liza also invite individual, organization, etc who are interested to be an agent or marketing support of Dr. Liza herbs products. The idea is to encourage the people in Indonesia or world wide to be a self enterpreneur and hope by cooperating with many people, organization, etc ... the partners can ge mutual benefit.
Herbal for “Keep Your Sex Desire "
There is when certain where husbands or wife feels do not again enthusiastic in sex activities. What’s cause it? And, how overcoming it?
Of course, enthusiasm plays a part is important in normal coitus. Without enthusiasm, it would be insipid coitus. But, why at a period of certain of enthusiasm declines? "There is various reasons. First, physical. This also is influenced some factors, inter alias having the character of natural like age," said family consultant, Dr. Gerard Paat, MPH.
Generally, continuation of Gerard Paat, enthusiasm in sex every body starts declines at the age of 45-50 years. In that age, hormone that is supporting enthusiasm in sex of course declines. Its (the cause can many, including nonsexual problem, like fatness etc. It is not confuse, man who is entering age to start looked to be. "Besides enthusiasm declines, also because ability of its (the erection is also declines," he said. Explained it is also, enthusiasm in man many determined [by] men hormone (testosterone) which will start declines so(after man to step on age 30-an year.
On the other side, enthusiasm in woman sex do not be influenced woman hormone ( estrogen and progesterone), but exactly is influenced men hormone. And hormone having responsibility at enthusiasm in this woman sex exactly non declines when old age woman.
Woman, said Gerard Paat, only had a few testosterones. " Whenever downwards, pittance," he said. So, at woman, lowering of enthusiasm in sex do not so(after apparent. Happened, woman losing of some femininity characters, like beauty fades or menopause, along the increasing of age. Whereas enthusiasm in its(the sex is permanent. " In consequence, if speaks sex atold woman, which proactive exactly woman," express this sexologist consultant.
Other physical cause is disease for example sugar diabetes, coroner heart, or lever. Can also because drugs. Don't know because too much consuming tranquilizer or narcotic. All the things above can become cause lowering of enthusiasm, " Even can cause impotence," accuses Gerard Paat.
Besides physical cause, enthusiasm in sex declines also able to be caused factor nonphsycist or psychological. Communications might possibly among a couple do not go well, so that the relation of they became less amicably and do not again interests one another.
Other cause is person factor, like low feeling appearance of theirselves to couple or assumption one of the couple that sex only simply obligation. Husband might possibly will of to the point, no " warm-up" in advance, so that wife do not feel satisfaction. As a result, sexual for wife only be considered to be an obligation.
That need to be done to overcome lowering of enthusiasm in sex, either at wife and also husband, is know in advance its(the cause. Easiest, if its(the cause had the character of physical, for example because pain. Hence, if enthusiasm in sex declines whereas couple communications to go well, tries going to medical doctor. Unlucky lowering of enthusiasm in the sex because disease. " If its(the cause disease, this disease healed, minimum as a result is lessened," said Gerard Paat.
Much disease which able to cause lowering of enthusiasm in sex. For example, diabetic ( diabetes). " Diabetes of course cannot be healed, but as a result can be lessened. For example, by taking medicine anti diabetes, so that sugar rate in blood controlled and do not cause venous damage or nerve, so that enthusiasm in can defended for a period of certain," explains graduate from FKUI by 1962 is. Example of other disease of which able to cause lowering of enthusiasm in sex is high blood ( hypertension). " But its(the therapy must with drug which do not add sex weakness. The reason is, there is hypertension drug that is exactly lessens erection ability," his(its continuation.
Often happened, medical doctor feels enough experts to handle, for example by giving hormone adder drug. " Though, inspection of hormone only can show the hormone total in blood. He cannot differentiate between free testosterones and non free. Is having influence to enthusiasm in sex is free testosterone which the numbers very few and subjective," light Gerard Paat.
There is man who number of its(the hormones a few, but still having enthusiasm. There is also number of its(the hormones is quite a lot, but enthusiasm in his(its have been no, depended from condition of body influenced by many factors. For example just of descendant factor, gizi, psychological, climate, and health factor in general. Example of the problem of climate, said Gerard Paat, " Cool weather can make people pain, so that erection cannot. So, these all influencing condition of across the board body which able to influence quality of the hormone."
If lowering of enthusiasm is caused [by] disease factor, pertained its(the handling easy to. Do not that way the things of if caused [by] psychological factor. " Frequently concerning psychological cause is person. Possibly decline self regard before couple, possibly stress which its(the there is no connection with marriage, or stress in family," explains this marriage consultant.
If(when this happened, psycologist or marriage adviser is correct address to be visited. Couple which it’s problem, must talk the things felt [by] it, expected it, so that finally finds way out.
* Yoga peace song, darkens lamp, and couple massage oil with aroma awakening enthusiasm like aroma rose, jasmine, or other according to appetite. Soft massage which you or husband gives, will generate vibrations specially can awaken enthusiasm.
* Does Athletics to be just of your body which will feel fresh, but enthusiasm also can increase. Regular athletics, said expert, increases energy. Athletics do not meaning run, jogging, or plays tennis. Treads a measure with couple also, including athletics. Does around 20 minutes. Doesn't forget doing also eye contact so that amicable situation is created.
* Tea with taste peppermint a cup of tea containing peppermint before leaving sleep, believe can increase enthusiasm in husband. Can also as of cacao beverage cup. If this, able to husband and wife.
* Vitamin and supplement mineral. This also to be able to return enthusiasm. Research mentions existence of chain between vitamin A deficiencies, C,E, B- complecs selenium plus and ferrum, with lowering of enthusiasm a man. It all is required husband to produce testosterone.
* My Herbal can High your Sex Activities, Increase Your libido and cure some of sex trouble for the couple.. When? Wait and see my Post for Libido Increasing Machine..
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Diabetes symptom is a disease resulted lacking of insulin or insulin which in yielding body to fall short requirement of body. Symptom diabetes inter alia that is many urines, appetite adds many, starving for always, blurry rotation eye and light, ant fingertip, weakens and body and ithcy
Materials: 1.Avocado seed ………………… 1 pcs
2.Water …………………………. 1 glass
How To? :
- Bake Avocado seed out,
- Cut into small size
- Braises it with a glass of water until go to brown
- Get the water only for filtering
- Drink the water
Materials : 1. Leaf fresh Comfrey /knit bone…….. 4 sheet
( Named Komfrey in Indonesia, Symphytum officinale L)
2. Water …………………………………… 4 glasses
How To?
- Braises leaf Comfrey in 4 glasses of water
- Remains 3 glass, then its in drinking 3 times 1 glass each day
Materials : 1. Java Plum seed ……………………...15 seeds
( Named Duwet/ Jamblang in Indonesia, Syzygium cumini)
2. Water…………………………………… 2 glasses
How To? :
- Break in the seeds to smooth
- Braising in 2 glasses of water so remains 1 glass.
- After in filtering, make it becoming 3 parts and drinks 3 times one day each 1/3 glass.
- Repeats every day until your body felt fresh and no drawn again


Longan Otaheite Gooseberry
( Euphoria Longana)

Thursday, 2 December 2010