“Anti Cancer :Nasopharynk, Chorio-Epithelioma and Choriocar-Cinoma”
How To?
Malay Gooseberry
Papaya Leaf

Red Spinach Leaf
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1. Star Fruit Leaf ...... 1/4 grasps
2. Young Papaya Leaf ....1/2 sheet
3. Young Malay Gooseberry Leaf .....1/4 grasps
4. Red Spinach Leaf.......1/4 grasps
5. Carrot ........ 1 ons
6. Honey .... 1 tablespoon
7. Plain Water ... 1/2 glass
How To?
- All material is washed out cleanly
- Adds 1/2 matured water glasses
- Smooth finite grind
- Filteri All material
- Adds Honey 1 spoon
- Drinks this ingredient 1 times a day counted 1 glass
Malay Gooseberry
Papaya Leaf
Red Spinach Leaf
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Sunday, October 19, 2008
“Cancer Fighter”
The Materials:
1. Cuban Oregano.......50 grams
( Keladi Tikus named in Indonesia or Coleus Amboinicus Lour )
2. Honey ............... 1/2 Spoon
How To:
- Put in water for 1 / 2 hours
- wash clean
- flattered to fine
- filter with the filter cloth
- add 1 / 2 spoons of honey
- blend until evenly mixed
- drink the formula three times a day
note: herb must be drunk immediately, not be stored...!!!
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