You are possible a lot still look into sex activity only as one of form of accomplishment of requirement as of eye. Though out of it, sexual simply has having immeasurable benefit which can increase quality of life and health, either from the angle of physical and also psychological.
The experts tells there is many obtainable advantages from regular sex activity and correctness. All this benefit is not simply mere anecdot, but is research result that is supported scientific evidence.
Here and now many mans who trauma about sex. Why? Something trauma because experiencing sexual disfunction also there is caused by disease. Various means done to heal it. I only suggest some healthy ways to overcome difficulty of sex, inter alias:
1. Aware of benefit sex and enjoys it
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3. Do healthy life style.
1. Assuages stress
Researcher from Scotland in research publicized by journal Biological Psychology to conclude, one of sexual main benefit for health is reducing blood pressure and assuages stress in general. This conclusion is result of watcher 22 mans and 24 women condition of in situation stress. Sexual activity they noted and result of his (its showing, they doing intimate relationship can overcome better stress compared to which is not making love. In researching into other ness publicized is the same journal mentions that routine sex activity related to pressure diastolic which low.
2. Improves body endurance
Life of good sex can indicate health of good physical also. Does sex once or twice within a week will increase antibody so-called Immunoglobine A or IgA, capable to protect you from flu and or infection.
3. Sex burns calorie
Research massage, sexual activity during 13 minutes can burn around 85 calories is more. Likely number of this is not many. By the way, if you did it is minimum 42 times in one year ( one month thrice) means has burned 3,570 calories, more than enough to reduce 0,5 body weight kg. If You are having sex average of one hours, one body weight kilos could probably be degraded with 21 times for having sex.
¨ Sex is modeling excitement from athletics,¨ comment Patti Britton, PhD, sexologist and President American Society of Sexuality Educators and Therapist.
4. Makes healthy heart and venous
Though there are myth worrying of that energy released when ngeseks can trigger stroke, but the British researchers say the assumption not correctness.
In research publicized by Journal Epidemiologycal and Community Health, the experts lays open that routine sex have no relation with stroke by 914 participants watched during 20 years.
Sexual benefit for heart also doesn't desist there. Researcher also lays open that having sex once or semiweekly can reduce on fatal heart attack risk until 50 % at man, compared to them doing sex less than once in a month.
5. Improves Self Confidence
Increases Self Confidence trust is one of 237 reason of people does sex. this research done by expert from Universitas Texas and publicized in Archives of Sexual Behavior.
6. Improve and repairs intimacy.
Doing sex and orgasm will increase oxytocyn hormone or also is called as love hormone. This hormone can assist couple to build and strengthens tying and trust one another.
Researcher from University of Pittsburgh and University North Carolina evaluates response 59 women premonopause. Participant is calculated [by] its(the hormone rate before and after relating to husband they terminated by embracing each other. Research shows, increasingly often the happening of touch, more and more oxytocin rate height.
¨ Oxytocin rate makes we to feel wish to love and ties,¨ said researcher.
7. Lessens ill taste
When oxytocin hormone in body increases, endorphin also will go up and pain taste will decrease. On that account, if headache taste, arthritis or symptom sindrome your premenstrual can alleviate after correlating sex, that is more because oxytocin hormone effect.
8. Prostate cancer risk compress
Australian Researcher have ever laid open that ejaculation regularly will reduce prostate cancer risk in old man. This research publicized in British Journal of Urology International.
9. Strengthens flank base muscle
To all woman, does flank base muscle practice when correlating is intimate is recognized as movement term Kegel. This movement will give enjoyment for both couples, besides also strengthens part of muscle and depress risk incontinensi in old man.
10. Improve and repairs quality of sleep
According to research, oxytocin discharged during orgasm also can stimulate sleepness. With sleep that is enough, health also would be better because permanent blood tension and body weight of kept
(from many sources…)
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