Friday, 10 December 2010


Rusdi, 44 years old, doctors diagnosed a problem in levernya. But after a few weeks she was taking prescription drugs, Rusdi admitted bored. "Tired of taking hold. Pity as my kidney," he said. Then on the advice of her parents, she was asked to drink the concoction of ginger and turmeric and white as a supporter of his recovery process. "It feels more fresh and fit now," he said.

Herbal medicine, herbal, or various natural drugs from plants has long been known to the people of Indonesia. Unfortunately, the concept of healthy with herbal devotees is now increasingly rare. According to the expert who is also a naturopathic physician, Dr. H. Amarelle dry Sidebar, Fabio, Doom, Domed, Mac, MA, PhD, people often use drugs paradigm to explain the functions and benefits of herbs.

"Many people mistaken about the treatment. Actually, what people want, be cured or treated? If only treat, then do not eradicate the roots of disease. So should have sought the source of the disease, so it can find a solution," said Amarullah in discussions about healthy with herbal held a modern herbal medicine producers.

He cited the illness of diabetes. Treatment paradigm which is generally done is to control blood sugar, with a dose of medicine that continues to grow. "But the problem is in function of the pancreas that retreat. So should function returned pankreaslah vitality," he said.

Conventional treatment is generally only handle the symptoms. Though the body is a one-unit system can not be separated. "It's when ill, was part of a healthy body should be empowered to assist the affected part. The concept of balance," said Amarullah.

In this case, the herb works to align the human body system back. Herbs have the ability to improve the overall system and work up to a range of cell and molecular.

Amarullah menganalogikan herbal work with mailman's philosophy. Efficacy of herbal plants will be sent to the organs that need it, while the organs that are not needed will not be accessible. "The excess will be disposed of through the sewer. It will not be saved," said Amarullah.

Amarullah not deny that a challenge to get the body healthy and excellence in the present even more difficult. World with an increasingly damaged natural conditions and climatic extremes more dangerous. It's all unwittingly accelerate the process of premature aging in humans.

Number of patients with degenerative diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis
, hormonal disorders, sexual dysfunction, up to autoimmune diseases, more and more. "I even had a new stroke patients aged 14 years," said Amarullah.

Yet, in facing life's challenges, people must be healthy. "Sound is not only free of disease, but also be excellent. Ideally from birth until death," said Amarullah.

Interestingly, based on research of the American Health Coach Association, the modern human body in tiptop condition, or healthy only two days a week. Unhealthy days is calculated from waking up to go back to sleep. "Moreover, there is only complaint, which though minor, still no sign of body shape, such as colds, aches, headaches, and out of breath, even though a new road for a while," said Amarullah.

Therefore, humans must be good at maintaining a healthy body. In this case, something is missing in the series of conventional treatment. Not to mention in meeting the World Health Organization (WHO) in January 2006 concluded, on medications that have been approved by FDA in 1989 to 2000, three quarters turned out to have no effect teurapetik alias does not really cure.

Amarullah said the herbal treatment is not hostile to modern medicine. "Equipment used for acute conditions, but thereafter can be treated with herbs to restore vitality diseased organs," said Amarullah.

Moreover, Hippocrates (Father of Medicine) has stated that the only natural ability to repair and in accordance with the conditions of the human body. For that reason the role of natural medicine using herbs is believed the most appropriate, because the only herb that can align functions with the ill body to restore its vitality.

"But it must be ascertained that natural medicine is not just have a natural taste, but also was shown to improve body functions," said Amarullah.
"We think people do not get it right about the difference (between) and herbal medicine which is commonly known as herbal medicine, traditional or modern. Although both use natural herbs, but with a different treatment, then the benefits are also different," Drs H Nyoto Wardoyo, Apt, President Director PT Deltomed Laboratories.

Unfortunately, the research on herbal plants native to Indonesia is still very minimal. Amarullah own difficulties when they wanted to do research for his thesis in the United States about the Indonesian special herbs. Amarullah admit there are many obstacles. For example, start naming of each region are different to different properties in each region. "Call it Centela asiatica. In Central Java, (the plant) is called for gotu kola, while in West Java called antangan leaves. Fact is still the same-same in Java," she said.

Not to mention the matter of efficacy. One species of plants have properties that are different. Amarullah never experienced it while researching the tekokak, or those in Sumatra called Rimbang, for pinched nerve problem. "The water decoction of Sumatra Rimbang more nutritious because different soil nutrients in the soil of Java. My own mother who proved his usefulness," he said.

It also wants to create a red fruit from Papua that could rose leaves can not be cultivated in other areas. Is not an overstatement if the study in order to register and search properties of herbs native to Indonesia has been urged to do.


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