Purwoceng is one of traditional medicinal plants, known as a drug efficacious mighty men. Therefore, Purwoceng also got the title 'Java Viagra'. Why so?
Purwoceng actually classified as rare plants, but now can be saved by using the method of cultivation in vitro culture. Problems Purwoceng cultivation was once described Ireng Darwati, S3 student study programs Agronomy, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) is currently defending his dissertation titled "Culture and Culture Roots Callus hair Purwoceng to Produce Secondary Metabolites and Plant Development Purwoceng Hope for the Future," on Campus Darmaga IPB, Bogor (Voice of Reform, 23.02.2007).
Latin name is Pimpinella pruacan purwoceng initially, but later revised to Pimpinella alpina. This plant is found in the Alps in Switzerland, at an altitude of 2000-3000 meters above sea level. About the growing place Purwoceng in Indonesia was previously known to grow wild in Dieng area at an altitude of 2000-3000 m above sea level. But according to the Agency for Forestry Research and Development (1987), the distribution of plants in Indonesia purwoceng now includes Central Java, East Java and West Java.
Wahyuni et al. (1997) states that purwoceng can grow outside of its habitat, such as in West Java, Gunung Putri and capable of producing seed material for conservation. Potential crop purwoceng big enough, but still constrained by the scarcity of seed supply and limited land suitable for these plants (Yuhono 2004). Besides in Dieng, Purwoceng also grows in the mountains Iyang, East Java (known as suripandak brother). At Mount Tengger named gebangan depok. Despite the title Latin names change, the researchers have the same conclusion that Purwoceng including medicinal plants.
What are the Benefits Purwoceng?Eni Hayani and May Sukmasari never explained, the whole plant purwoceng can be used as traditional medicine, especially the roots. Roots have diuretic properties and is used as aprosidiak (National Research and Development of Forestry 1987), namely the efficacy of a drug that can enhance or increase stamina. In general, plants or plants that efficacious as aprosidiak contain saponin derivative compounds, alkaloids, tannins, and other compounds are efficacious as the reinforcement of the body and improving blood circulation. In Indonesia, plant or medicinal plants used as aprosidiak more just based on the beliefs and experiences (Hernani and Yuliani 1991).
The use of medicinal plants in the field of medicine, in principle, continue to be based on principles such therapy on the use of modern medicine. Therefore the information content of the active compounds of medicinal plants is absolutely necessary. Generally, rare medicinal plants have a single compound materials, making it difficult to ensure the active ingredients which berkasiat for the treatment of certain diseases. For example, the efficacy of plant roots purwoceng (Pimpinella alpina), which is known from the experiences of developed into image berkasiat as aprodisiak, turned out to contain a compound derived from sterols, saponins and alkaloids (Caropeboka and Lopez, 1985).
Sidik, et al. (1985) says that the root purwoceng compounds containing coumarin derivatives used in the modern drug industry, but not for aprodisiak but for anti-bacterial, anti fungal and anti cancer. Hernani and Yuliani (1990) says that the active ingredient purwoceng most lies in the roots.
Plants have purwoceng aprodisiak matter content which is causing increasingly being sought. At first, the plants used by residents of surrounding purwoceng Dieng mountains (region of origin) only for health maintenance or health improvement. However, in line with research developments and issues that exhaled, these plants developed into a commodity that is "salable" as aprodisiak material, and even now has been popularized by the community and the local Farmers Group as the "Viagra of Java."
The existence of an increasingly rare plants in addition to the urgency caused by the rapid demand, as well as the acquisition takes time. On the basis of scarcity and the price aprodisiak issue is happening now is very high.
Purwoceng is a legendary plant used as a tonic by the king or the palace in the area of Java. Scientific name is Pimpinella alpina Kds. This plant is usually found living at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level His form is a small bush vines above ground level such as gotu kola and clover plants of the mountain. The leaves are small reddish-green with a diameter of 1-3 cm. From various studies conducted in the country can be concluded that there are real effects of the plant purwoceng to increase sexual ability
MANY people have already proved the efficacy purwoceng. Among other pain relievers, fever, antifungsi and antibacterial. However, the general public to know purwoceng as restoring stamina and increasing sexual desire as well as an addition to the amount of the hormone testosterone and spermatozoid.Therefore, many people who wish to maintain purwoceng, then cultivated in upland plateau at an altitude of 1,500 to 2,000 meters below sea level. There are renting land. Buy seeds. The observation of rough, land planted continuously purwoceng herb does not cause constraint reduction, provided always are fertilized with organic fertilizer.Those who already use purwoceng, in a rough calculation in the second year can earn higher than the first year. "This is why, in the first year of high expenditure, for seed and paranet. In the second year, seedlings can be made yourself, so spending a little more," said Moko Rahardjo.In addition, there are many people who gave testimony on the use purwoceng that has been packaged into herbal medicine. For example, are packed into tea, with tea drinking purwoceng regularly, a man 45 years her body feels warmer, fresh, still excellent stamina and spirit of the operation increases.BENEFITS purwoceng can increase your stamina is not strange, because many people have been exploited purwoceng as a drug in the form of potions and not harmful. One of them in the packaging of tea.For men aged 50 years, after consuming the potion purwoceng body becomes more fresh, increases stamina. However, increased sexual desire despite his age half a century.This is surprising for the adiyuswa, it turns out purwoceng have benefits. No difference with 48-year-old man, for one week he ate purwoceng herb, also felt increased sexual desire.Many purwoceng can grow in the Dieng Plateau. "Dieng plateau is an area of low air temperatures, so it is very cold," commented Haryanto, residents Dieng was in the book Moko Rahardjo, Purwoceng (Sower Self Reliance, 2005). Because it has purwoceng medicinal plants in his yard, he could regularly drink tea purwoceng.Apparently there is usefulness. Once the body sluggish and easily fatigued. Once the body feels fresh, what will be done to succeed. Including, he said, the relationship of husband and wife.Mr. Andul Hamid lived in Bogor. Having friends who often go to Dieng. One day he was given a souvenir purwoceng concoction. Once consumed, and felt his usefulness, he was as addicted. At first he only dabbled in eating, but the effect was great. Comments Andul Hamid adiyuswa same as any other. "Agency which often feels sluggish and less passionate, to be normal and fresh," he said passionately as his confession in the book.
The experience of sexual desire, also experienced a lot of people. Wonosobo many residents who trade herbal medicine, a time he served demand herbal remedies made from purwoceng.Apparently very unusual properties. It felt Syamsuddin. Whereas before he had tried to use herbs that are made of imported ginseng. However, more potent when using herbal remedies purwoceng this.This experience proves how purwoceng clinics can be used as an alternative for those who have a similar problem. But traditional herbal medicine is also no side effects.
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