Rose Hip and Medicinal Remedies
However, what makes Rose Hips extra special is that it also serves as an herbal medicine and a holistic treatment for a lot of diseases and conditions. Rose Hips provide a robust source of vitamin C and are believed to have more vitamin C than any other citrus fruit.
The use of Rose Hips in herbal medicine history dates back to AD 77 when Pliny, a known Roman writer recorded a total of 32 conditions and disorders that responded well to a Rose hp treatment. Since then medieval herbals contains many Rose Hips ingredients.
Modern medical scientists have found out that the Rose Hips have an anti-inflammatory property that helps patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis, a known condition that causes the breakdown of important joint cartilages that allows bones to rub against other bones thus causing loss of movement and pain during sudden movements.
Rose Hips also earned the moniker of “better than painkillers” because scientists have found out that a powder of a wild variety of rosehip known as Rosa canina can be “three times more effective than standard paracetamol” in pain remedy and also highly effective and powerful than glucosamine.
Researchers based in Denmark also reported their conclusion based on a study, that patients who consumed daily a rose powder made from dog rose enjoyed lesser joint pain and stiffness and an overall improvement in posture, mood and well being within 4 months of Rose Hips treatment. They also gathered that it is because rosehips contain a high amount of antioxidant flavonoids, which is known to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties.
Rose Hips also protects from cardiovascular disease and cancer because it contains a high dose of anthocyanins, catechins and other known phytochemicals and polyphenolics that protects the body from cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Rose Hips also contain plant sterols, carotenoid pigments and tocotrienols. Aside from these, researchers later found out that Rose Hips also contain pectin, a strong soluble fiber that builds a wall that protects against all sorts of cardiovascular diseases. Clinical trials results show that Rose Hips greatly reduce the effect of C-reactive protein levels that cause cardiovascular diseases thus lowering the possibility of it to happen.
Being a true holistic remedy, Rose Hips are also used as herbal teas, by letting the crushed or dried Rose Hips boil for 8-10 minutes. With the Rose Hips herbal tea, one can add half teaspoon of dried mint for additional flavor and add 2 tablespoons of berries per pint of hot water. Rose Hips herbal tea is very effective as an anti-oxidant and helps cleanse the body system with unwanted chemicals and contributes to a smoother blood stream flow.
Rose Hips is a very important herbal medicine and a must have for every holistic treatment program as it is proven to be highly effective in combating elements that harms the body.
Posted in: rose hips herbs
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