Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Inside Triple Berry Complex

Inside Triple Berry Complex

Bilberry Extract (dried) - fruit an anticarcinogenic that helps retard night blindness.

* Anti-inflammatory
* Helps with varicose veins

* Helps with diabetes mellitus (degeneration of the retina)
* Gives strength and support to collagen structure

Blueberry Powder (fruit) - a good source of antioxidants.

* Good source of potassium, folic acid and Vitamins A & C.
* Contains proanthocyanidins, which can keep e-coli bacteria from harming the urinary tract.

Calcium Carbonate helps maintain a regular heart beat.

* Instrumental in balancing alkali / acid in blood.
* Important for muscle growth and contraction.
* Prevents cramps.
* Critical in the formation of strong bones and teeth.
* Affects sleep patterns and the transmissions of nerve pulses.

Cranberries (powder) fruit - has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and chemotherapeutic properties due to Resveritrol.
* Contains Vitamin C
* Beneficial in urinary tract infections.
* Could be helpful in significantly reducing the loss of brain cells.
* May prevent or even improve skin condition for people with urinary wall disease.
* Helpful in reducing infections that may be caused by use of catheters.
* Limits build up of LDL (cholesterol).
* Helpful with cardiovascular disease.

Magnesium Sterate - vital to enzyme activity and assists in calcium and potassium assimilation.

* Protects arterial linings, which is so instrumental in preventing heart disease and high blood pressure.
* Affects nerve, muscle impulses and dizziness.
* Helps avoid depression.

See original article or image at Triple Berry Complex Supports Urinary Tract Health ! http://www.herbal-nutrition-solutions.com/Triple-Berry-Complex.html#ixzz1CjIVoWPP


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