TEMPE, nutritious food unhealthy? ????? why...??????
Anyone know if Tempe is a nutritious meal for soybean as the raw material it contains many nutrients essential to body metabolism. Soy is a popular food in Indonesia because many traditional food products made from soy, such as tempeh, tofu, and soy sauce. Soy is a source of protein, molybdenum, iron, calcium, phosphorus, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, B6, E and folic acid.
Soybeans also contain active compounds which are very good for health, such as phytosterol, lecithin, isoflavones, phytoestrogens and protease inhibitors. These compounds are very good for our health, among others, enhance immune function, prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, improve liver and bladder function, various neurological disorders, Alzeimer disease, Parkinson's disease, reduce symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and osteoporosis . Special isoflavone compounds are very good for preventing breast and colon cancer.
But still little is know that nutritious foods like tempeh are not automatically healthy. This is true if we refer to the concept of "Real Food" (healthy food) that is growing in developed countries like the U.S., Japan, Australia and European countries.
Real food is food that meets the following criteria: 1). Contains nutrients essential to body metabolism, 2). Does not contain hazardous components, toxic, or not useful to the body, 3). Organically produced, 4). Produced locally, 5). Produced in a sustainable (sustainable), 6). Affordable by most people (affordable), 7). Easily available (accessible), 8). Experiencing the process of processing a minimum, 9). Environmentally friendly, and 10). Siding with local farmers.
Tempe including real food if soy is used as raw material is organically grown soybeans. If the raw material derived from transgenic soybean (genetically modified) or soybean grown with chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides, tempeh is no longer can be categorized into real food. Why? Although transgenic soybeans have equivalent nutritional value or even higher than organic soybeans, there are security issues. It may be that in the long run these foods actually have adverse health effects. Soybeans are grown with chemical fertilizers and pesticides also contain residues of pesticides that are harmful to human health and degrade the quality of the environment. In addition, transgenic soybean is economically more profitable multi-national companies, not profitable for farmers. The farmers even harmed because it must depend on the supply of soybean seeds in the larger firm. When the organic soybean imports as well but still not including real food because it is not profitable or siding with the local farmers in accordance with the concept of real food.
Of the 10 characteristics of the Real Food on top, tempeh in Indonesia, currently only meets 4poin only, ie no. 1, 6, 7, 8 so that the concept of Real Food tempeh still can not be regarded as healthy food. Even some time ago tempeh was scarce and the price goes up so that the criteria are affordable and easy to obtain also had not met.
Well, to defend the title nation of Indonesia as a "nation tempe", it is still a lot of homework to be done well, involving the entire nation, not just governments, but also required the participation of business people, researchers and consumers. Currently the government has tried hard to maintain the criteria of inexpensive and easily obtained by providing tax relief for short-term imports of soybeans and soybean land improvement and enhance the productivity of domestic local soybean medium and long term. The researchers also have a lot to offer solutions, especially those associated with the use of soybean varieties with high productivity and substitution of soy as a raw material with other materials such as black beans, and lupines koro. Stay business people and consumers are still required to meet the other criteria.
In terms of processing, the food business tempeh and mothers household is required to process these correctly. Tempe's best disayur or fried, not baked. Use the new oil, not cooking. Fried tempeh is sold on the roadside most unhealthy because it uses recycled oil. For the recycling of oil contained trans fatty acids result of warming of carcinogenic (cancer triggers).
Application of organic agriculture to be a necessary condition for real food. In many studies have proven that organic food is more healthful than non-organic materials. Foodstuffs should also be widely affordable, if not there will be some people who can not enjoy the opportunity to be healthy from the food material. It should also be cheap. If Tempe expensive so it is not affordable, most people will lose the opportunity to get nutritious food and healthy. In other cases, if the raw materials imported soybean suddenly stopped (embargo) by the manufacturer in LN, we will have problems of food security. Tempe edges do not exist in the market and those who rely heavily tempe as a source of nutritious foods will adversity and finally get sick because they can not eat tempeh again.
By applying the concept of real food, tempeh is already believed to be more healthful healthy again. Not only is healthy for human consumption, but healthy for the environment and healthy for the economy of local business community (soybean farmers, craftsmen tempeh) and the state. So, we are lucky, lucky people.
Of course, the concept of real food is not only applicable to Tempe, but for all groups of foodstuffs such as rice, vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, eggs, milk and other dairy products. For food derived from animals like meat, real food requires one more, the animal must be bred with the principles of peri-veterinary sciences. It is scientifically proven that meat obtained from cattle that "happy" (shepherd in the grassy area) is much more healthful than meat from cows that stress because grounded in a small room and given feed grain (meat of this kind which causes a lot of health problems such as high cholesterol, stroke, heart disease and cancer). Meat instead of real food is very good for these diseases.
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