Wednesday, 9 February 2011



Today the use of herbs in Indonesia has risen sharply. In addition to its trend back to nature, also because it is a source of health care accessible and affordable. In addition, empirical evidence and scientific support that more and more as well as modernization of production processes increasingly raised the popularity of herbs.

In Indonesia, people can use herbal freely without having to consult with a physician. That there is a tendency people have to act to "doctor" for himself in the use of herbs. In fact, they often consume in conjunction with conventional medicine. This happens because the majority of them considered safe to eat because herbs have been used for generations. This phenomenon is of course very worrying because the paradigm of "herbal definitely safe" is the wrong thing. The fact is that many types of herbs that the user needs the strict supervision of medical professionals, even some types of herbs that have banned its use by POM because of its side effects are very large. In addition, the use of herbs often have a negative interaction when taken in conjunction with conventional medicine. From the study revealed that approximately 63% of Indonesian traditional medicinal plants can cause pharmacokinetic interactions with conventional drugs when taken simultaneously.
With the persistence of minimal and incorrect understanding of the use of herbs among the people, then this article will be given some tips on taking the herbs wisely. The most important thing to remember is that the use of herbs should be safe, effective and rational.

1. Herbs as a complement to conventional treatment.

It is the people tend to use herbs as an alternative to conventional treatment. Not rare herb used as a last resort after doctors raised their hands. This is of course not true. Herbs should be used routinely for the prevention of disease and are complementary are used in synergy with conventional treatment. Conventional treatment and herbal treatment has advantages and disadvantages. Generally, conventional treatment is more effective in dealing with diseases that require immediate action such as infectious diseases, while the more widely used herb for the treatment of degenerative diseases.

2. Check a doctor.

To be effective, the use of herbs for certain potential users should already know what type of illness. So check with your doctor to be a liability, especially when the type of illness is unknown. Do not ever diagnose the disease itself only on the basis of perceived grievances. Communities are many who believe that the herb could cure various diseases (panasea), so no need to know the type of illness. This assumption is of course very much, so still need to check with your doctor to ensure the type of illness so that treatment can be performed promptly and effectively. Keep in mind that the term means panasea could cure various diseases, not all diseases.

3. The security needs to be prioritized

Security is an important aspect of the herbs in addition to efficacy. The majority of the people considered safe to eat because the herbs have been used for generations. The presumption "definitely safe herbal" is the wrong thing. The fact is that many types of herbs that the user needs the strict supervision of medical personnel, even some types of herbs that have banned its use by POM because even serious health harms (Aristolochia, kava-kava, Ephedra, quinine, and artemisia). If possible, choose herbs that have received recognition from the FDA (POM his United States) as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe). That is generally safe to consume in the long term without significant side effects. Side effects still exists but the mild, such as mild diarrhea, mild fever, hunger, dizziness, and lethargy. Examples of herbs that have been the title of GRAS is the VCO, garlic, ginseng, orange, ginger, and gingko biloba.

4. Know it works

Actually, the rise of various herbs on the market to be grateful because it means we have plenty of options to recovery. Each herb has definite strengths and weaknesses. Also, please note the mechanism of each herb in the treatment of a disease. Although all claimed to help treat the same disease, the mechanism can be different because the content of its active compounds is also different .. By knowing the mechanism of action of each herb in overcoming a particular disease, then we will be better able to use certain herbs effectively.

5. Need consistency

Herbal consumption should be done regularly and consistently. Do not expect recovery to be achieved in a matter of days, although there are spectacular testimony that can be cured in just a few days. It should be understood that the efficacy of the herb is not necessarily the same for everyone. In the healing of disease, the herb works by improving the body's metabolic system as a whole so it takes longer time compared with conventional medications. Therefore, do not keep changing rapidly herbs. The development of the disease need to be monitored closely over a period of 1-3 months. If there is no substantial progress, just to switch to herbal or other treatment systems.

6. Choose the quality of herbal

In addition to intrinsic factor (in) attached to an herb, the efficacy of an herb is also very determined also by extrinsic factors (outside), for example a place to grow, harvest, processing and the original raw material (not fake) .. It can be performed by using Toga (medicinal plants families) who cultivated their own around the house, or if the need to buy it can be done in a trusted places (eg in a pharmacy, drug store or authorized agent).

By looking at some of the above, it is hoped more people can use herbs in the prevention and treatment of disease in a safe, effective and rational. (M. Ahkam Subroto, medicinal Lab, Research Center for Biotechnology LIPI, Cibinong Science Center)


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