Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Dengue Fever or Dengue Alert

Dengue fever or DHF usually attack during the rainy season. Moreover, our country including tropical country which is the favorite living places for mosquitoes. This fever can be a deadly disease if not promptly treated. In particular, children often become the target of mosquito bites that cause this disease. As a parent, you should try to prevent children and all family members to avoid this disease. Also need to act swiftly if a family member who showed symptoms of dengue fever. Arm yourself with information about this disease in order to help the negative consequences of the disease dengue hemorrhagic fever.

A person infected with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), generally show the following symptoms:

1. Continuous high fever. Body temperature around 39-40 degrees Celsius. This causes headaches in people 2. Fever without a cough.
3. Stomach pain or nausea.
4. Body feels sore or pain in the joints.
5. Appear red spots, but this does not always happen in every case.

If any member of your family shows these symptoms, you should immediately take it to the doctor to get treatment. Do not let the fever for too long because it can lead to late to help. To be more exact, you can do blood checks.

There are 4 types of Dengue disease. So, someone who has been affected by dengue fever, does not mean he will not be affected by this disease because there are 3 other types that can cause fever as well.
When exposed to dengue, a person will have 3 phases. The first is the phase of fever during the first 3 days. Continues on next 3 days which is a critical phase. In this phase, the fever is not happening, but in this phase must be vigilant so as not to be fooled by the thought had healed and no treatment. Three days later the healing phase.
One of the dangers of dengue fever is considered experienced as usual so it is considered a mild fever and did not get special treatment. Moreover, in the second phase, usually fever has come down so it is considered cured.

There is no specific drug to cure dengue fever. So, things you can do to help cure people affected by this disease are:

Compress for heat is not too high. Compress should be done with warm water, not with cold water or ice. Cold water can cause shivering patient so the body gets hot.
Drink lots of water. Patients with DHF usually be deprived of fluid, the water is very good for them. Water can also help reduce the heat. In addition to water, can also provide liquid oral rehydration salts to help healing.
Nutritious food. Actually there are no dietary restrictions for patients with DHF. Provide nutritious food for the body to be strong and to fight dengue virus. Fruits and vegetables can be very helpful for recovery.
Drinking water guava leaf and red yeast rice can help raise the platelet.
Treatment can be done at home if conditions are not bad people and allowed by the doctor. However, it takes care in maintaining them. You should also continue to consult with your doctor and do blood check every day to find out his condition. Hospitalization may be an option if you feel it is more secure because the medical action can be taken immediately if the patient's condition decline is also possible given intravenous fluids to increase patient.
The things that harm from dengue disease due to infection with this virus can cause blood platelets drops to very low. Which then will cause the blood vessels become deflated, so that fluid leaking blood into the body cavities and cause bleeding in the ear, nose, or skin that can lead to death.

Dengue Prevention
The best thing is to prevent so that no family members affected by dengue. The actions that can be done to prevent it are:

Prevent mosquito breeding around us. You can do that is Closes 3M movement of water storage, drain the tub and Burying the goods unused. Mosquito larvae will develop in stagnant water in about a week. Therefore, it prevented the possibility of things which is where the development of these larvae, such as flower pots, tin cans, old tires or other items that hold standing water, especially in the rainy season where these places can be a puddle of rain water.
Prevent mosquitoes do not bite, for example by using mosquito repellent lotion or medication.
Abate powder carrying around an ungainly on sewer and water reservoirs so as not to be a breeding place for mosquitoes.
Keep the conditions remain healthy. The condition of a strong body, helps the body to ward off viruses that enter so that even if exposed to mosquito bites, the virus will not develop.
Dengue fever can not be considered a mild disease. This disease can cause death. So, take precautions and remain vigilant against the disease can protect those you love from the dangers of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever or Dengue.


MosquitoPatch uses trans-dermal technology to make delivery of mosquito bite protection incredibly fast and there is no waste of product. One hundred percent of this natural mosquito protection goes directly into the blood stream.

MosquitoPatch is the most convenient mosquito repellent on the market. You put it on in the morning and forget about it. You are protected all day without having to reapply.

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