Herbal medicines had been used for ages in Asia. In fact, the first ever written record of herbal medicine dates back to 2,800 BC when the Chinese emperor named Sheng Nung wrote about the uses of herbs as medicine.
Chinese had always used herbal medicine and they have thousands of different brews and herbs that they use for different types of illnesses. In almost every city in Asia there is a small Chinatown and when people think of herbal medicine, they always run to the nearest Chinatown to get the herbs they need for treatment. A lot of people would attest to the effectiveness of these herbal medicines and believe they are superior or just the same as modern medicines that cost more.

Other Asian countries also have their own herbal medicines but are less superior compared to the herbal medicines and treatments of China and India. Countries such as the Philippines also have herbal medicines of their own. The mangosteen fruit is considered to be a good herbal medicine either on its own as a fruit or as an extract. It is widely used nowadays because of its sudden popularity. Mangosteen only grows on tropical countries such as the Philippines.
Although herbal medicines had been around for thousands of years, there are still skeptics with regards to their power to treat diseases. Doctors of medicine would still recommend the modern medicines but does not disregard the fact that herbal medicines are also effective. After all, the modern medicines are also a combination of different extracts from plants and minerals before they are turned into tablets, capsules and syrups. As long as the source of the herbal medicines are reputable and experts, then there is nothing to worry. Although there are some studies that are trying to prove that herbal medicines have harmful toxics, this is yet to be proven. Nonetheless, herbal medicines continue to gain more popularity especially to rural areas where modern medicines are still scarce and expensive.
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