The Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America has a mission: fund research that will lead to the quickest cure for mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lungs caused by asbestos exposure. This cancer disease had few treatment options until this Foundation and Dr. Parkash Gill's work created better treatment options. Today, the future looks more hopeful for additional improved treatment options available to those stricken by this cancer.
The Foundation Board Members from the left are: James W. Kellogg, Jerry Neil Paul, Elizabeth Ann Paul and Dr. Parkash Gill, M.D. These are respectively the United Association International Representative, Founding Director, Executive Director and Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board.
The Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America began funding research for a cure in 2001 with the opening of the Mesothelioma Laboratory at USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Medical Center in Los Angeles under the supervision of Dr. Parkash Gill.
Dr. Gill is a board certified oncologist and hematologist who has received FDA approval from the U.S. Government to do Clinical Trials on a mesothelioma treatment drug called Veglin. We believe there is great promise and hope in Veglin and the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America has funded 100% of Dr. Gill's research.
Veglin proved successful in Phase I and Phase II clinical trials. Many are very hopeful for the possibilities of a more effective cancer treatment compared to what presently is available for mesothelioma victims.
This is a recent interview with Dr. Parkash Gill who shares his hope:
What are this year's plans in terms of research?
This year (2010-2011) is going to be really exciting for Veglin and its research. Veglin will be introduced into the 3rd and final Phase of the FDA approval process. This should all be happening by the end of the year. This will open up the patient base because the drug will be able to be administered at facilities across the U.S. I'm currently working with the top oncologists and researchers at a few VERY well known facilities and they have agreed to administer it at their hospitals. We are also in talks with pharmaceutical companies who can manufacture Veglin on a much larger scale. Once we are in Phase III Trials we will be able to publicly say where Veglin will be available and who these people are. It truly is very exciting and fun to be apart of this.
What are your hopes for the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America?
The Foundation and its allies in this fight have been instrumental in getting Veglin and our research to where it is today. With the mainstreaming of Veglin and its use in other facilities I hope to see the Foundation grow as well. Without the help and donations from the Foundation the research into new drugs and the development of Veglin to treat malignant mesothelioma does not exist.
What are some of the new drugs you are working on?
We have some of the brightest researchers in the nation working on finding a cancer cure and some amazing results are coming out. Just look at Veglin. The new drugs mentioned in previous articles and newsletters, EPH-B4 and Delta, are showing great promise of following in Veglin's footsteps. There is still much work to be done but the lab results coming from combinations, of say Veglin with Delta or Delta with EPH-B4, are better than I could have ever hoped. We are very close but like I said there is much work to be done.
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